Friday, October 15, 2010

Antibes and Grasse - Day 5

In the morning we headed to the Picasso Museum in Antibes. We parked the car around a mile away from the museum. We walked through a really cute neighborhood with narrow paths too small for cars to drive through. 
Here I am with my iphone GPS trying to navigate to the museum.

The museum has a nice view of the ocean. It was a hot day.

We entered the museum and there was no one at the desk taking money, so I assumed it was a free museum day like the Matisse Museum. Louie thought we were suppose to pay, so he was a little paranoid while inside.
After the museum, we walked to a market. It was a nice market. Lots of specialty local items.

 I bought some soap. Marseille is known for their soap.
Provence is known for lavender. I will be seeing a lot of lavender stuff until we drive out of the region.
Baby piggy.
Macaroons are everywhere. 
At the market, I ordered a freshly made socca.

It doesn't look that appetizing, but it's really good.
For lunch, we drove to a place recommended in one of our France books. It was a nice little neighborhood that was on top of a hill. We walked around and around the streets looking for the restaurant.
We even went to the directory and the restaurant was listed on the map, but when we went to the area it wasn't there.
We gave up and picked a random place.
Salad with cured duck.
 Duck confit.
Assortment of fish.
Local fresh cheeses.
Flan. During our dinner we noticed a couple walking around the streets with guide book in hand. We saw them walk by at least 4 or 5 times. We were sure they were looking for the same restaurant we were.
After dinner we drove to the Fragonard Factory. This place makes perfumes and is one of the highlights of my vacation.
We got to tour the factory. I love factory tours.
It was nice because the French tour had a lot more people than the English tour. It was just us and two other ladies.
It was very informative. The guide explained the entire process and told us about noses. People who are noses are not allowed to drink or eat spices. There are around 50 of them in the world, most in France of course and are able to distinguish around 3000 different scents.
That's the lady who guided the tour. This part of the tour, she tested our noses to see if we are able to distinguish what ingredients were in the perfumes. None of us are good noses.
For dinner we decided to be more frugal. We went to the supermarket and picked up some bread, chips, cured mean and foie gras.

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